Similar todos
🔨 got my MVP to a point where I can bootstrap a working Django setup on three different, common Ubuntu distros #mylife
finished out more meetings but made a quick MVP Django Docker tool that I hadn't thought of perviously #mylife
🐳 more Django Docker work #research
🐳 published my django dockerfiles to test out. code to follow later #mylife
🐍 More iterating on a FastAPI web service which builds Django Docker configs. I like it so far. #djangobuild
worked on a docker-django starter OSS project #mylife
more django docker updates
🐳 finished a new set of Dockerfiles which are optimzied for Django 1.11 to 3.0 and Python 3.7 which makes development easier #mylife
#redacted Docker Compose all nice and running. Django + Redis + Postgres (pgAdmin+pghero) + Celery (Beat + Flower). For Frontend have Vite+React in a solid starting position.
🚀 shipped #awesomedjango
🚜 Ported most of #lfk over to Django and launched it on
broke some ground on an interesting cli tool which fits well with my other django and docker projects #mylife
🐳 sketched out Dockerfiles for a new python and django OSS project #mylife
worked on some Django Docker files overnight, fixed some build issues, and ported everything to just.
🐳 re-worked my Django Dockerfiles project and I'm now generating 15 Docker images in just under 2 minutes #mylife
📋 researched a few ansible and fabric + django + digital ocean deployment options #mylife
jumpstarted the porting project to a mostly working Django 3.0 setup. Only one more minor version to go. #mylife
dusted off my deploy django project and got it semi-up and running
🚀 launched Celery and Celery Beat to run #concord on my Docker box
#greendeploy 3. create new dockerized django project for the product database project ✅