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process photogrammetry w/blender, compress textures w/govie, export as glb 4 web #mused
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convert museum panos & 3d scan data to obj, then bake textures & compress as glb #mused (2.2mb!)
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rewrite exporter and converter for new data, import aerial lidar & match with terrestrial #mused #spaceshare
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process some of the santa croce data w/metashape & blender #mused
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3D assets - blender
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rebuild tomb escape in clean version of photogrammetry geometry, add sfx, & make build to share on itch #mused
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use colmap + openmvs for mesh reconstruction b/c btr than default poisson_mesher #spaceshare
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Upload and test 3D models with the fixed uv maps #morflaxstudio
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3D assets in blender
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3D assets in blender
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cleanup model & render ortho images of walls, cut out characters/glyphs for interactables #mused
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Check & upload 3D models with the fixed uv maps #morflaxstudio
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test new method in blender for showing reconstruction of statues, get rest of guided tour script coded up w/o any other animations yet #mused
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Fix material and texture saving #morflaxstudio
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export orthomosaics for researchers from 3d build from 360 video #mused
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render from acropolis small model & start processing data for full #mused
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work on new environment in blender #existence
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compile 3d house final obj
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3D stuff - blender
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deploy new photorealistic model #photoai
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