Similar todos
Get lots of user feedback #shipnix
Notify my first two testers that #shipnix being ready to test. Hope they will test and bring me some feedback 🤞
Add some questions and answers to FAQ based on user and message board commentator feedback #shipnix
Finally give some love to the landing page #shipnix
Another paying customer 🤑
another paying customer! #theodore
got good customer feedback
Work on landing page #shipnix
deliver new customer and ask for feedback #videoaime
deliver new customer and ask for feedback #videoaime
Fix bunch of small bugs from user feedback on IHP onboarding #shipnix
get first paying customer 😊😊😊 #flowful
First paying customer #roastrocket
get my first paying customer #daj
Let "customer 0" know that projects can now be made compatible with #shipnix through the Shipnixify wizard
First paying #postcard customer!!!
got new paid #sponsorgap customer