Similar todos
approve paid job post #plumberjobs
Job post activation after payment #remoteindex
post pending job posts #startupjobs
Add new inactive job before payment is completed #remoteindex
get second paid job posting #growthjobslist
Make scrappy Post a Job form /w payment when people click on [Post a Job] (instead of stripe checkout) because I can see people clicking but not buying on #androiddevcareers
added alert message after job post
add eth wallet address to the job post, so I can know from who this payment was received: (thanks @Erwin0 for the idea) #web3jobs
do customer support #remoteok, company made job post but payment failed, now they fixed their payment and ask if job is posted, so I might have to make auto-save for job posting so that in future customers don't have to write entire job post again if they leave the site
release job posts #japandev
fix job posts #japandev