Similar todos
Ship a custom 'post a job' page #composeexamples
create a proper post a job page
hook up stripe product to job post page #prototypr
Start building a job post form #jobboardsearch
fix when you post job and go to Stripe Checkout then click <- Back on Stripe Checkout and cancel you go back to the job post, it loads it from the db, but there was some bugs that made it not be exactly the same job post (like the brand color would be disabled) so it had a different price and it confused people #remoteok
changed post form for jobs to pop up form #sportstechjobs
make #remoteok job posting process pretty like…
#inweed post a job page looks bad on mobile
#inweed create job post form
add [ Post a job ] button to #remoteworkers if not logged in, and if logged in as hiring recruiter