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manually change alerts of some user to all months instead of none #yelmair
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select all @ months @ alerts #yelmair
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Fix a bug when alert is triggered when selecting a month #jobboardsearch
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add months to alert admin overview #yelmair
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fix alert calendar #yelmair
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write script to set alert sends for all users to zero #yelmair
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#rulo allow user to disable alerts
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fix month modifier filter broken because I changed the key from “users_month_count” to “users_count_month” #nomads
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change status alerter to only alert once not every hour #nomads
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fix cronjob (crashed when someone made an alert with no months assigned to it (still possible so might break again)) #yelmair
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remove monthly email alerts option to push daily/weekly alerts #remoteok
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Replace default alerts with alertifyjs - also way nicer on the eyes #incomerankings
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improve weather month text if month selected for @oskarth #nomads
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work on improving alerts to be able to include countries, regions and continents into one alert #yelmair
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New UI: finish alert settings for all models #spectate
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fix email change alert shows up for username change in /settings #nomads (thx @patwalls)
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finally reimplement first few alerts #spectate
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further update set alerts page #yelmair
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add set alert button to all route pages #yelmair
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fix ordering of months #yelmair
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