Similar todos
add continents and regions to prepare for better alerts #yelmair
create new type of alerts: combine every type of city, country, region and continent in both departure and destination to get more alerts and thus more options to travel cheap #yelmair
work on alerting #spectate
improve alerts overview #yelmair
complete major overhaul of alert emails (improved from IATA to city and added more info in emails) #yelmair
make better labels in alerts overview (flags + city name instead of IATA codes) #yelmair
continued some work on alerts
finally implement last few alerts in new alerting #spectate
add alerts #rewardsflights
add alerts #sportsjobs
send alerts #yelmair
adding alerts to #scrapebook
send some alerts #yelmair
build alerts functionality defined as per set of alerts which will change with time #httpscop
city names instead of iatas at alerts overview #yelmair
further update set alerts page #yelmair
show nicer alert overview (with cities instead of iata codes and including flag emojis for extra nice) #yelmair
make new alerts for other sub-components #abcgamers