Income Rankings
Income Rankings
Find the Best Methods to Make Money Online
Launched November 16, 2018
Fix user avatar images #incomerankings
Renew SSL #incomerankings
Fix domain renewal issue #incomerankings
Revise long term plans, write & code #incomerankings
Implement the basic html structure & code for collection pages #incomerankings
Redesign and rewrite the filter/collection pages list #incomerankings
Write down a list of individual pages to be created for the various filtered methods #incomerankings
Begin work on individual filtered methods pages #incomerankings
Fix an issue with submitting #incomerankings
Finish creating a contact me page, replace all the mailto and update server #incomerankings
Work a new contact modal/page #incomerankings
Backup & various cleanup #incomerankings
Begin redesigning and implementing forms to replace all mailto for contact #incomerankings
Renew SSL #incomerankings
Publish on IH #incomerankings
Finish implementing tweet button on methods and update server #incomerankings
Redesign modal sizes #incomerankings
Design and implement a tweet button #incomerankings
Various small updates #incomerankings
Implement lite youtube embeds (loads so much faster now, why didn't I do this much earlier!? 🤯) #incomerankings