Similar todos
trying out django-fsm to see if I can wrap my brain around it
created a finite state machine project to try out django-fsm with good but mixed results #mylife
refactored a scraper app to use django-q more effectively
finished some django-fsm tests and code to test some twitter features since I want to schedule some things differently that existing apps seem to want to let me do
🤖 🚜 Used Claude 3.5 to help propose a #jobs refactor to use django-fsm2 and django-lifecycle to save me some time.
🍔 built a project scraper over lunch that I don't hate. I used sqlite-utils with mixed results. might just port it back to django and call it a day
🔨 update celery scraper tasks to be Django friendly
finished off some new views and tests for a django starter project #mylife
Found a nice github repo that integrates scrapy and Django. Cloned it and ran it locally. It works! Now I just have to implement to scraping logic and test it further :) #jobsinenglish
- figure out how to fork the django-pattern-library and replace the index page with my own version ✅ #experimentingnewtool
dusted off my build django project and updated templates and the backend to be easier to maintain
continued working on the django boilerplate
dusted off an old Django project and started working on a v2 #mylife
sketched out some more idea on a upgrade django project #research
refactored new project to use django-q and hooks which made the project start to update itself more than I was updating it.
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
worked on job website tests on one of the scrapers
🚜 finished porting all of the major models and pages on #lfk to Django
last night I worked on search for a few websites using django-haystack #mylife
worked on how to test/keep a scraping project updated more easily