Similar todos
working on django starter tools #revsys
🔨 working on a django-news prototype #djangonews
did a little bit more django-fsm hacking by adding it to a page scraper project #mylife
- add in django-pattern-library to setup pattern library as part of hypercomponents ✅ #speculatingnewproduct
dusted off my build django project and updated templates and the backend to be easier to maintain
fiddle with Django and try get it to render react in templates like Rails 7 #life
staged a website to test django deploy that I can use over and over
worked on some docs and templates for my Django code generation tool too
🚜 finished porting all of the major models and pages on #lfk to Django
Cooking up my personal Django Cookiecutter for my own projects. First tests are fiiiiiine.
🚜 worked on a new open source project that makes django work from the command line via django instead django-admin #research
🚜 did a quick port of #djangobook to Jekyll + GitHub Pages to decide if static is good enough or if it's worth trying out a starterkit project to fully move it to Django.
🥞 released/ported/dusted off django-pancake which helps flatten templates which made building and updating my htmx django Chrome much, much easier than without it.…
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
trying out django-fsm to see if I can wrap my brain around it
lots of internal command refactoring based on running django deploy and thinking on it for the last week
broke some ground on an interesting cli tool which fits well with my other django and docker projects #mylife
- research into jasperreports, apache superset, etc ✅ #experimentingnewtool
🚜 started porting #lfk from Jekyll to Django so I can start taking signups and upgrades
learn to hot reload browser while django-ing #studydev