Similar todos
Fix being locked out of digital ocean droplet
Setup Ghost DigitalOcean Droplet
setup new droplet on Digital Ocean #fajarsiddiq
turn on docker again after DO droplet died #life
Started learning Dokku / trying to set it up with Digital Ocean. ty @ben ... joined the dokku discord; went through this guide:… ; switched my whatdo domain in DigitalOcean to point to the new dokku droplet ; asked for help in the forum to understand what it means for "the web UI [to be] submitted":… ; I think it's referring to the DO UI for creating the new droplet ; next step for tomorrow: go through this guide:…
Removed DO droplet I wasn't using; created a new $4/mo droplet with the latest version of Ubuntu (24.04); cloned my flask-vuetify-template repo to my MacBook.
deploy bot to digitalocean server
create #interiorai Digital Ocean droplet
Install backup-droplet on digitalocean #dogfluence
Push bot changes to DigitalOcean #checkyourlist
#building figuring out digital ocean cloud optimization as yesterday had to run full droplet reboot.
Finally got the Dokku Ruby on Rails example app working 😭 Apparently I just needed to reboot the droplet? `curl` to my droplet's IP wasn't working, `dokku ports:list ruby-getting-started` didn't show it listening on port 80, `dokku ports:add ruby-getting-started http:80:5000` resulted in an error saying nginx wasn't running. Rebooting seemed to fix it. Next up is trying to deploy my Go backend with Dokku. Destroyed the ruby demo dokku app. Resized my DO droplet to the $6/mo one.
Setup WP site on DO droplet #superremoteconf
setup networking configuration for DO droplet
More security for my DO droplet