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Fix being locked out of digital ocean droplet
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Investigate digitalocean droplet issues
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Setup Ghost DigitalOcean Droplet
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setup new droplet on Digital Ocean #fajarsiddiq
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Recreate digital ocean droplet because I cannot connect to it anymore after misconfiguring nginx :
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Destroyed my other two Digital Ocean droplets, I now only have the one $6/mo Dokku droplet...told ChatGPT what I'm trying to achieve with this Line+ChatGPT bot and what I already have working, to get some help visualizing how I should proceed...created a Line developer account...enabled the Messaging API...added the Line Go SDK to my Go up: I think I want to read the example code provided by Line and ChatGPT and figure out how I can fit it into my existing backend code. I think getting the Line "Echo" bot working in my app would be a good next step. Lowered my phone's daily limit for Twitter and Reddit from 60 mins each to 45 mins each.
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install Droplet Agent for Digital Ocean backup server so I can disable SSH access #nomads #remoteok
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turn on docker again after DO droplet died #life
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Started learning Dokku / trying to set it up with Digital Ocean. ty @ben ... joined the dokku discord; went through this guide:… ; switched my whatdo domain in DigitalOcean to point to the new dokku droplet ; asked for help in the forum to understand what it means for "the web UI [to be] submitted":… ; I think it's referring to the DO UI for creating the new droplet ; next step for tomorrow: go through this guide:…
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Removed DO droplet I wasn't using; created a new $4/mo droplet with the latest version of Ubuntu (24.04); cloned my flask-vuetify-template repo to my MacBook.
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deploy bot to digitalocean server
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create #interiorai Digital Ocean droplet
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Only got ~5hrs of sleep after two double espressos yesterday, so I took a Lycopene capsule...signed up for a LinkedIn Premium free trial so I could send a message to a Kasikorn backend engineer to ask why users can't export their transaction history in CSV format...removed the 'Blog' link on b/c I don't have the WordPress blog up and I never really used the blog that much, added a link to my email address instead so people can contact me...started going through the Kasikorn API "Slip Verification" the first one done...the second one requires I have SSL set up on my domain and not through Cloudflare...discovered while doing that that my whatdo site is returning a 404 if I try to sign GoLand's db tool connecting to the digital ocean postgres db b/c I noticed that wasn't set up yet...install postgres on my macbook b/c something got messed up and somehow it seemed to not be all the db problems fixed, don't know how that having a CORS issue when running locally, all this stuff was working, IDK how it all broke...ok I remember now, I YOLO'd the backend code and disabled the existing router to get the Line echo bot working...sent an email to another local YouTuber to ask if I can be in a video with him...installed cursor and tried using it for a simple refactor task to get a sense of how it works...figured out a way (thanks to ChatGPT) to get the Line callback handler working while also not breaking the existing routes...went for a massage to give my brain cells some time to recover...used cursor some more and I get the hype, this is really cool, I'm surprised Jetbrains hasn't copied it yet...after a long while I finally got my whatdo backend working properly again (auth + user middleware working), it was a good learning experience with cursor and a GitHub Action set up so my DO dokku VPS will update when I push to main, so now both frontend and backend will update automatically when I push to GitHub...ending the day on this banger set:… Tomorrow: I need to bill hours to my client to make $, I want to try to finish the KBank API challenge to see if I can do the Slip Verification, I want to email another YouTuber, if I have any time left over I want to keep going with that Line/ChatGPT bot and try to make a frontend interface for it.
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Connect new domain to digital ocean droplet #vids
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Install backup-droplet on digitalocean #dogfluence
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Push bot changes to DigitalOcean #checkyourlist
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setup a digitalocean account and standup a web server (migration away from current provider due to outrageous outage) #turreto
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create new Digital Ocean droplet for #photoai to move from Linode
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#building figuring out digital ocean cloud optimization as yesterday had to run full droplet reboot.
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block all ports in firewall Digital Ocean droplet backup so if I want to login I need to unblock the SSH port #nomads #remoteok
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