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Finished's workout. Now onto adding user system in new app!
finished a bunch of tests and reworked our start project too #revsys
1.0: Done with membership backend #securedfyi
finished a ton of work on a new project. Halfway done with the app.
📝 Finished Social Auth changes and added a real login screen #conf
Solved yesterday's rando new major issue! *happy dancing* Ready for soft launch the next time I can sit down with this! #ismovielikebook
Felt great upon waking up after taking 300mcg melatonin last night before bed; today getting login working: figured out how to translate the email/password validators used in Let's Go Further to Huma's way of doing input validation so the API will return an error if the email/password don't pass basic sanity checks; figured out how to return a 404 error with Huma if the user isn't found in the database; got the code working that checks the supplied password against the hashed password in the db and returns a 401 error if they don't match; pushed pass my normal 2-hour daily work limit to get the endpoint working (returning a token) so I can move on to something else because this sucks. Next up (tomorrow): get the front-end to receive/save the auth token and send it when signing in / etc. #govuetifytemplate
UI and some basic functionalities done! #figmoji
added creating episodes then had to rethink the entire app flow. Came down to implementing non MVP stuff but having more functionality than expected in the MVP for less work now. #repodcasted
Morning work on #booklet - hopefully finishing auth system
Took me a whole week but handwriting functions are now fully implemented on #writemore
Just a few more features to add before the relaunch.
Just spent some time thinking about the UI. #rhymecraft
Finished the frontend code for login (functionally works, UI needs some adjustments)… #simpleotp
fixed some errors for login and password reset. couple more to go #wi
Worked really hard on the boilerplate. Got it to a decent shape. Project is now fully generated by cookiecutter, need to do further testing to ensure tailwind is fully integrated, and then testing for deployments.
Feels like I'm slowly getting somewhere. Added all the filters for the MVP and dit some styling. #homesteadlist
Updated todo lists, gathered post it notes around the table and finished up work!
Did some early morning work on the retro UI #iteisa