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pushed thru and got the version menu done with Go + HTMX + cookies instead of starting over with PHP since i have no clue what i'm doing most of the time. it may be small but it made me happy
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🍴 dinner made, more day job, and worked on a new conference frontend. #conf #mylife
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Do a whole lot of stuff I didn’t properly log into smaller tasks but basically user onboard and look&feel #pixelchallenge
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Implemented a rename of the IROs (took 3x more time than what I thought because of stupid dialog inside a context menu in shadcn...)
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stayed up late implementing backend from scratch #60sbio
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Managed to work for about 1h and continue coding the login #exerciseapp
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finally implemented new design #prototypecards
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worked on some UI improvements
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mostly finished the running website importer, updates templates, css, and a bunch of other housekeepting items #mylife
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finally, finally, finally finished the design of new client
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Finished writing most of the backend, got to finish some middleware (upload, download) functionality and make the landing etc.
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Migration from Conversations to Menu Plugin: Transitioned from conversations plugin to menu plugin, added 3 new files, and modified 12 files. Powered by #weybabot
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more progress on new UI #audiogest almost done :)
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Update User Session Interface and Refactor Grammy: Enhanced user session interface with additional menu fields and refactored Grammy for inline queries and new command. Added 5 files, modified 9. Powered by #weybabot
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worked on an updated UI #fashion (my first ever todo)
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tech-admin stuff… i don’t like… but TODAY i got the server update on uberspace done (after months of procrastination) - FINALLY #naii
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worked on the user area #30days
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making progress on back-end #ramsay
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Enhancements on Session Defaults and Git Repo Management: Added functionality to manage Git repositories from the menu, including attaching and removing repos to projects, worked on session default values. Added 2 files, modified 17 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Implemented some fixes after the first session with a real user yesterday on Materiality Master
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