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add service fee to tickets checkout #tioticket
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found idea for pricing #daddytuner
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began brainstorming pricing structure #artistsatscale
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make ticket deal plan #yelmair
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add new per seat pricing #scrumpy
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free ticket flow & solve bugs #tioticket
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brainstorm on how to monetize
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🔨 refactored some #djangocon online ticket logic
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brainstorm new revenue stream ideas
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set max ticket sold per user #enter
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talk through opensource monetization idea with smart persons
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working on budget and ticket allocation
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start with ticket page #rewardsflights
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create tickets #rockkick
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brainstorm #vscodenotebook paid feature ideas
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Switched on tax inclusive setting for Payhip after discussing with other indie folks about same feature just released by Lemon Squeezy - the idea is that for larger ticket items like one time purchases, the tax can be substantial and the surprise can turn buyers off. So by absorbing it, maybe we can convert more customers even if at less profit... #listskit
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Fuck up buying ticket but then fix for $4 🙌 #lifeee
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#web3jobs add payment proccessor fees to the bill cuz @levelsio added it too
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add notes to ticket deals #yelmair
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add payment processing surcharge because it’s strange we have to eat the Stripe fees #remoteok
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