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Updated pricing on website and on Payhip for coming launch this Friday #listskit
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Researched payment providers - Lemon Squeezy, Payhip, Thrivecart. Decided on Lemon S cos UX more fresh+modern, is MoR, features for digital downloads, affiliate pgm coming up. Thrivecart’s LTD is tempting though, and Payhip has good community features #pluginsforcarrd
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Updated prices on Payhip to reflect new price changes - #listskit
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Added social discount where if they post on FB about Lists Kit they get 17% off... Payhip is so awesome #listskit
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Sign up for Stripe Tax Filing beta - exciting, seems like they're going to try to compete with Lemonsqueezy/Paddle finally #life
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Gave in to the logistical & emotional need for payouts to Stripe and moved all my plugin AGAIN, to Payhip. Sorry Lemon Squeezy you have nicer UX but I can't deal with having my revenue data in 2 places...and the dopamine cold turkey of Stripe notifications! 🔔 #pluginsforcarrd
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Set up Payhip store ( and product sales page for Lists Kit - #listskit
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Try stripe pricing table #indiehacking
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😎 Realised Lists Kit was auto added to the new Payhip Marketplace #listskit
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ask Stripe about handling of sales tax
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Update tax details on Lemonsqueezy so I can get paid !private
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feature on ph newsletter… #fajarsiddiq
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New upsell experiment in Payhip: If customer buys X, suggest to them to buy Y using a 20% discount, 30-day coupon code #pluginsforcarrd
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ask lmsqueezy about changing tax category on existing product #seniormindset
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🎟 Created Black Friday discount code BF2023 for Payhip, Lemon Squeezy, Gumroad #pluginsforcarrd
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Show new tax report as image preview before purchase #renzi
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Added Beam Analytics and Payhip buy link to home page #listskit
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Created another Black Friday discount code on Payhip, Lemon Squeezy, Gumroad for 50% off if you RT #pluginsforcarrd
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tax calculation during checkout #dashful
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Started 40% commission affiliate programme, and 27% cumulative referral on Payhip - love how easy Payhip makes this! Everything on one platform. -… -… #listskit
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