Similar todos
buy theme + artboard (figure out how to export responsive HTML/CSS from Figma later) (…) #kornwolf
high fidelity mockup draft for landing page #bookapp
finding design assets for landing page #botroast
redesign Landingfolio logo
Created a figma with all the landings, onboardings and screens from inspiring products for #domy
Search for a landing page inspiration for a my new prototype
finalizing new landing page #bootlab material-app
design on figma simple landing page #fajarsiddiq
Main app landing sketched out #blot
mock-up landing page for freelance project
make ugly mockup landing page #airlinelist
create and implement mobile design
decided to soft-launch #txt2site as a portfolio of unexisting landing pages at thislandingpagedoesnotexist.c… — I made 5 landing pages in 3 days. The React template is being fine-tuned all the time. So far it's really really fun. The bottleneck is midjourney. I'll continue improving!
#pintura explore new style for landing page
Redo the #jonga landing page head in Figma
design some new elements for the upper-part of the landingpage #mindwave, inspired by @dannypostma's
Started mockups for design of new app #checkyourlist