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#notebag Merge open pull requests on GitHub
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#notebag Merge open PR
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#notebag Follow up with 2 prospective buyers
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#notes Send out Notebag BETA 1.2.0
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#notes Put up landing page on 👀
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#notebag Talk to prospective buyer about his offer
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#notes Announce retirement of Notebag:…
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make todo list on notes for on the go #fajarsiddiq
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#notes Setup revamped app structure for next version of Notebag
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#notebag Send final details to prospective client and ask for offer
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#notes Release Notebag 1.2.0:
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curated list of online notebook services #thrust
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#notebag Cross 100 stars on GitHub without really trying to
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write 8 postit notes for this quick bundle sale thing
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fix note editor for trips #nomads
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📝 product notes in Notion over lunch #mylife
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List for sale on #storyai
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#maru Prepare the notes list on sidebar.
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Wrote a blog about #quicknote…
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buy note and sticky notes
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