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📁 add support for lyrics on #sgtm
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fix bug in lyric generator #lyricallabs
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Finished the code needed to get the right-click menu to work for the lyrics. #rhymecraft
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Be able to show a full line of lyrics at once when playing back the lyrics on the front-end. #rhymecraft
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find new problem with lyrics generator #lyricallabs
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Further progress in the tone-player: got the tones sync'd properly to the audio (but not yet the on-screen lyrics). #rhymecraft
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Fix bug where it would not load lyrics after 5 calls and just return "Sorry an error has occurred" #lyricallabs
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#pintura Fix performance of multiline text resizing.
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shorten music based on feedback from friends #rebase
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Changed the response message after a 🎵 tune is submitted #shiptunes
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First time ever playing back the lyrics as tones via a JavaScript library, this will be useful for people creating new songs. #rhymecraft
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Finished a v1 of the lyrics-to-tones feature, so a user can now play the timed lyrics as tones, which is a stepping stone towards playing the lyrics as spoken syllables. #rhymecraft
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added utils to make sure when text is resize, it can be truncated #copicake
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add lyrics as property in #skrrt
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add temporary fix to wipbot that prevents long messages from blowing up the bot #wip
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Switched the 'Create Lyrics Video' modal to use the PyCharm-inspired base modal component. #rhymecraft
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update the text library #witsio
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DRY some of the link handling for @wipmusicbot #wipmusic
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More responsiveness fixes for text-image. image-text components #listskit
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add lyric search #skrrt
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