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Further progress in the tone-player: got the tones sync'd properly to the audio (but not yet the on-screen lyrics). #rhymecraft
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Got Tone.js working where it can alternate notes when playing the lyrics as tones, which helps distinguish one syllable from the next. #rhymecraft
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First time ever playing back the lyrics as tones via a JavaScript library, this will be useful for people creating new songs. #rhymecraft
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Continued working on a modal that will appear when a user adds a syllable to the timing graph, asking the user how long the syllable should be. #rhymecraft
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📁 add support for lyrics on #sgtm
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Allow users to add syllables to the timing graph by clicking on the timing graph. #rhymecraft
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Finished the code needed to get the right-click menu to work for the lyrics. #rhymecraft
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fix bug in lyric generator #lyricallabs
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Fixed a bug where I had forgotten about the AA phoneme on the front-end and therefore syllables with that phoneme were not being highlighted in the timing graph. #rhymecraft
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Got the timing graph displaying the position of syllables relative to the beat much more accurately. #rhymecraft
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v1.1: new tune menu #linefm
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Be able to show a full line of lyrics at once when playing back the lyrics on the front-end. #rhymecraft
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Get playback working properly on the timing graph again, where it'll highlight the currently-being-performed syllable. #rhymecraft
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implement paraphrase-tone feature #penelopeai
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Switched the 'Create Lyrics Video' modal to use the PyCharm-inspired base modal component. #rhymecraft
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When inserting a new duration into the timing graph, also insert a corresponding new word into the lyrics. #rhymecraft
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Finalize copywriting within product for v1 (/start/designing/voice-tone) #sparkly
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Add Literature-tone #penelopeai
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Got the timing graph lining up the syllables with the beat *way* more accurately, it seems to now perfectly match what my tapping out of the rhythm would indicate. #rhymecraft
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add lyrics as property in #skrrt
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