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broke up updateTwoDimensionalLyricsRhythmArray into multiple functions to try to make it less scary to look at. #rhymecraft
When inserting a new duration into the timing graph, also insert a corresponding new word into the lyrics. #rhymecraft
fixed the responsive text on smaller screens #witsio
Got Tone.js working where it can alternate notes when playing the lyrics as tones, which helps distinguish one syllable from the next. #rhymecraft
Make policy for text length to search #mumu
fix weird line breaks in wipbot responses #wip
#linkedincrm calculate length of the text and highlight with red if longer 200 symbols
rotate responses for @wipmusicbot #wipmusic
Continued working on a modal that will appear when a user adds a syllable to the timing graph, asking the user how long the syllable should be. #rhymecraft
Fix some text line heights all over the place #creativity
Text geometry improvements #morflaxstudio
fix too long label and music obejct at the end of the composition #infinitestories 2.0
Small tweaks to heyr #ruinedsongs
improve text editor #perspectiva