Similar todos
researched how to write an Alfred plugin using Python. Not too bad. #mylife
setup alfred syncing and improved workflows #lifestuff
Launch #airbot
Find and install a great emji tool for Alfred 👌
configure Alfred to use wipbot
🤖 updated a few of my Alfred plugins so that they work both on Intel and M-series processors
Release new wipfred version 1.1.1 which supports alfred 4 #wipfred
build a Alfred workflow to help test #stenofm in dev/prod…
a basic but working Alfred workflow using GraphQL for WIP (it's simply because I find using Alfred to record TODOs so convenient) #sidecar
Make Bugsnag workflow for Alfred #life
Heroku Alfred workflow POC #herokualfredworkflow
✏️ drafted a blog post on using justfiles #mylife
see first automation built on top of #photoai…
setup coming soon page for #alfred
install Alfred WIP integration (npm install -g wipfred) #life
finish alfred workflow V1 frontend