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make invoice generator also work for charges with charge id (ch_ in Stripe) #remoteok
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enable switch plans Stripe Billing Portal #photoai
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enable switch plans Stripe Billing Portal #interiorai
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add change invoice address on Stripe Billing Portal #interiorai
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Enable Stripe Billing Portal in live mode #startupjobs
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switch Charges to Invoice on Stripe API #remoteok
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remove #nomads Billing tab to replace with Stripe Billing Portal so we can go recurring in future
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set up #nomads Stripe Billing Portal
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make invoices work with Stripe Checkout #remoteok
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finish transition to Stripe Billing portal #nomads settings page
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make [ Billing ] link if logged in auto redirect to Stripe signed in billing portal to avoid Stripe PIN emails not arriving #interiorai
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make [ Billing ] link if logged in auto redirect to Stripe signed in billing portal to avoid Stripe PIN emails not arriving #photoai
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Added a billing section in the dashboard that takes to stripe customer portal after a customer asked a way to change the payment method #highscoredomains
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implement stripe billing portal for subscription management #datamachine
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fix $invoice->$charge should be $invoice->charge to save bump_stripe_charge_id when auto bumping #remoteok
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only show Stripe Billing portal if $customer object exists on /settings #nomads
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invoice stripe #fajarsiddiq
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fix missing [ Download invoice ] button on job edit page because we switched to Stripe Checkout and we don’t have stripe_invoice_id anymore but use stripe_charge_id or stripe_payment_intent_id to generate invoices #remoteok
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change text Stripe Billing Portal to "Get invoices, switch plans and cancel your subscription here” so people know what htey can get #photoai
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hot fix #remoteok invoice page because Stripe stopped showing descriptions for charge objects via Stripe Checkout (why? god knows), so now try all Stripe fields in DB to find the ?id= that matches to find what is the job and if it’s a bump or not and then show it in description on invoice
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