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#life Make new spreadsheet for income/expenses for company
💰 weekly/monthly budgetting #mylife
post monthly stats on twitter #yelmair
Updating monthly competitors benchmark #melies
#hardcoreyear add revenue charts and how many apps I shipped to initial medium article…
prepare monthly recap #cappr
prepare monthly recap #cappr
prepare monthly recap #cappr
prepare monthly recap #cappr
Spent time figuring out how much money I'd actually made this month so far vs. my projected expenses to see if I'm on track or not. #ImAnAdult
spent 2h analyzing sales analytics (conversion rate and source channel), good "end of month" routine #backlio
update annual income/revenue graph. I think something's weird due to eur:usd conversion rates this year
update spreadsheet real estate #life
make expenses spreadsheet #eavesdrop
accounts spreadsheet #codewithhugo