Similar todos
swapped out Celery for Django-Q2 because I never got Celery fully up before and Q2 only requires one container #djangopackages
Setup celery #airbot
#redacted Docker Compose all nice and running. Django + Redis + Postgres (pgAdmin+pghero) + Celery (Beat + Flower). For Frontend have Vite+React in a solid starting position.
experiment with python celery #shaunlol
🚜 moved project over to celery so that I can work on webhooks today #mylife
🚀 I got an MVP up of Django calling Fabric to SSH and setup a Python/Django server. I can test everything inside of Docker for three versions of Ubuntu now. Neat #mylife
📕 more Celery research for Django deployment project #mylife
🔨 working on docker performance tasks on my hosting setup #mylife
broke some ground on an interesting cli tool which fits well with my other django and docker projects #mylife
🚜 move celery config to django
🚀 updated Docker configs to my automation server platform #gitshoes
🐘 more testing on Django Deploy and refactoring of the celery code #mylife
🐳 published my django dockerfiles to test out. code to follow later #mylife
Asynchronous Task Manager Celery now running Asynchronously. Dear lord #shaunlol
wrote a #djangocon discord scheduling bot in celery + python
👨💻 continue docker
🐳 re-worked my Django Dockerfiles project and I'm now generating 15 Docker images in just under 2 minutes #mylife