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#notes Fix issue where a title becoming longer than the note overview pane would change the size of the note overview pane
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#notes Truncate excessively long note titles
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fix font issue #useful
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fix font issue
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fix overflowing long words in notes #wobaka
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fixed a font issue on #daysuntillatenight
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#fixed font issue. #pwnremote
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Fix super long words displaying in name and notes #ilend
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#notes Fix issue with code snippets not being highlighted after switching between notes
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fix fonts to new titles #learnwhileyoupoop
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#notes Fix note titles in search results not being vertically centered
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fix padding in title reaches edge #remoteok
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fix font family bug #csspro
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fix font loading issue #useful
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Adjust title sizes for when certain fonts have been selected so they're larger #fonts
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#notes Focus on title of note when window pops up
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Fix bug with Y axis graph labels cutting off #givewithella
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Change big titles font to be more readable #life
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fix titles to be less than 60 chars #starterstory
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Fix title-only buttons compressing to a point where no text is visible #blip
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