Joe Woods
Put together a silly placeholder for the project before I make the real website #everyrestaurant
Wrote my regularly-scheduled internal status report (which, I admit, is more for myself than anyone else 🙂)
Sneak in some Tech Calendar updates while my in-laws are in town
Have Next.js Conf on in the background all day
Sent a copy of Barbarian Days: a Surfing Life to my brother-in-law for his birthday
Mounted my monitors on their monitor arms in my (relatively) new office
Some light organizing of my GTD-style lists to get ready for the week ahead
Experienced sudden catastrophic 3D printer extruder failure
Successfully navigated the DMV to get my license updated
Emailed a local service organization to volunteer to fix their website 🙂
Did a first pass to process data in support of my mission to visit every restaurant in RVA #everyrestaurant