Similar todos
prototype cozy greek island pixelart farm sim (w/mixels from different kits, def not final art) #mused
Draft an idea and plot for game 🤩
Create some images for game page #whirlytoad
Practice Sketch. Game app design
Work on game idea/planning notion board
Work on idea for a table top game
Planning and documenting game idea 💡
Plan env art & script for two more levels & test some fantasy plants & animals #mused
Try to create a mockup for the game with art direction and fail. A bunch of fails today but that's ok. Done some research and found what doesn't work #tentacle
Create designs for all gameplay screens #letterboom
Start a moodboard for a mini game for the Merveilles HyperJam #zg
Created assets for small game I'm working on :)
Make some graphics #sparkbase
Game idea prototyping using Unreal Engine
Make some new 3D scenes & animations #morflaxstudio
#life Make a silly game for Global Game Jam 2023 and learn about Godot:…