Similar todos
🚀 updated day job website to sort out some confusing bits #revsys
think of new website idea 💭
researched job websites in prep for a new project form my backlog #mylife
✅ updated day job website #mylife
changed design for 🙈
analysis another job board
more #jobs website work and saw three new jobs that did not come from aggregator
made a bunch of UI improvements for jobs website
dayjob website work
Work on new UI at job because current one is confusing no one else is doing anything about it 😆 #life
💭 get new idea for a website while brushing my teeth #life
talking myself out of yet another small website idea that I can totally do over lunch and then automate in an evening
pov: you're browsing jobs with #resumeai job description analyzer #jobsearchtools
dayjob - work on website
dayjob - work on website
do simple frontend (yes another job list) #growthjobslist
Done with the finishing touches for the AI Jobs Board
Got my personal website ( being served by Netlify after destroying the Digital Ocean droplet that was hosting it (just an index.html file) the welcome YouTube video working again, I guess YouTube requires some new iframe attrs now before it'll allow it to be played...bought a new domain ( for $10 and set it up on Netlify with a copy of my domain, I'm thinking of trying to start doing cold-emailing to get work as an agency / remote-worker management consultancy b/c I think the current agency I'm working for is billing my time at a way higher rate than I'm getting paid...spent a few minutes thinking about and adding Jira tickets for what I should work on next for that project (not today)...spent some time studying the [hnjobs GitHub repo][1] to see how it worked, to use it as a stepping stone towards automating applying to HN jobs...spent some more time thinking about trying to do interviews with YouTubers, I'm now thinking it may not be so useful, as I don't have a product I'm trying to sell right now, it's unlikely to have any lasting impact, and it would probably be a one-time thing... [1]: