Similar todos
Notify users 1 day before the trial ends #mindwave
Added 14 days of trial to subscriptions #coolify
add a free trial to monthly subscription #shipr
add days count for trial #billisimo
change 'trial expires' mail and add the option to extend trial (first month free) when purchasing a monthly. #mindwave
increase free trial from 7 days to 14 days #faces
increase trial period to 14 days #httpscop
unset trial_expires_at when trial user subscribes to paid plan #wip
extend all currently expired trials to 7 days from now #wip
Remove free trial so when a user's free credits are used up, they will immediately get billed when they subscribe #roomai
Upgrade trial period to 30 days + add related copy text to give people more time to test the product #simpleotp
#notes Add 7-day trial to app
Add free trials in UI for #photoroute
Showing extension users when their trial ends and how many actions they can take before it expires.
fix subscription trials #checkoutpage
Add trial charge after 15 days #thx
Create “trial expiring soon” emails #gistreader