Similar todos
started ionic4 project #witsio
completed the development of front-end app and back-end rest service #witsio Next up is signup for AppStore and PlayStores and deploy the serverside
design and code the first starter page... #witsio
completed the work on #witsio development, next is to get more threads in and deploy
started the custom restaurant app project #witsio
one hour learning ionic frameowork #witsio
finished the landing page for chat
wip for the #witsio v2 copy
deployed the changes to production... #witsio
completed like functionality #witsio
signin page redesign #witsio
coded the create main page #witsio
added inter font in the ionic app #witsio
made the basic schema and structure and able to get the message and save in the db #witsio
made the icon and splash screen for the apps #witsio
made the layout more readable #witsio
(wip) added wip styled join page #witsio with plans
start making good fucking tweet website #witsio
almost finished the contributor page #witsio
start ionic app and hookup with google firebase #tiffin 100daysofcode 2/100