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Started refactoring app to vanilla JS #dailyfocus
rewrite new pages + cleanup html/js
finish updated functional JS outline #codewithhugo
start rewriting frontend into React SPA #isplogger
refactor page script from Vanilla JS to Vue JS with render function #devsync
make nextjs sample #shipr
blog about D3 and React 16.3 transitions #blog2
refactor react-canvas-wrapper to functional component/hooks and publish #allplay
write blog about D3 and React hooks #blog
JS manipulation on the DOMs for some shnazy calculator things :)
Refactored js & css wasy of loading
Experimented with p5js #blg
finish react-three-fiber >> vanilla three.js migration & now events/interactivity wayy more stable #spaceshare
start rewriting basic pages with SvelteKit #3link