Similar todos
write blog about D3 and React hooks #blog
write about integrating D3 with new React stuff #blog2
publish blog and schedule email…
write intro to D3 page #reactd3workshop
port intro to react+d3 from old workhops #reactd3workshop
post on reddit…
write article about using React and d3-force together #reactfordataviz
write article about using React and d3-force together
draft of post on React Router #blog3
publish article about React 18 #blog2
fix about half of example projects in React+D3v4
write smol blog about a counterintuitive React thing I learned #blog2
finish updating speed optimizations chapter #reactd3
record quick video for D3 charts with React 16.3 #blog2
give talk about react 18
finish react-three-fiber >> vanilla three.js migration & now events/interactivity wayy more stable #spaceshare
write draft of new blog post on using Apollo Client with React #blog3
get up to date with react 16.3…
go through Next.js tutorial for upcoming post #blog3