Scale With Words

Scale With Words


Content writing for B2B SaaS companies
Well, I'm finally tired of my bullshit and looking to make a real, honest-to-goodness website. Most people here are coding wizards, which is awesome, but I'm so not. I know how to turn my computer off and on again, and that's about it. So, I need your help, ESPECIALLY if you're tech illiterate...
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Ok, I'm absolutelyย terrified posting this in here because I'm the furthest thing you can get from being a coder. So go easy on me (but still be truthful). Razz, not completely roast. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Here's the link: I'm purposefully NOT giving context because I'd like to kn...
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I'm coming back to the freelancing game after some time building other businesses, and I used to get a lot of content writing clients on Twitter circa 2009. But now Twitter is X and there's a whole ~thing~ with it, and it's kind of a dumpster fire. So, this one is for the freelancers (bonus if ...
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