Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017
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Nice yeah I think long term that's what the default tab should become. Especially as the community grows.

For now, there is a "Following" tab you can use to see just the people you're interested.

Self-promotion in a community like WIP is a delicate issue. It's fine if it happens occasionally, but if you condone or even facilitate it too much it you quickly attract the wrong crowd ruining it for everybody.

That said, I do like the more general idea of "pinning" a post or somehow given more weight to one post or another.

I think has a feature where you can pay a small amount to promote a bulletin board post. It can be used for anything. From promoting your launch, posting a job listing, etc. It being paid means it's less likely to be abused I think. That's something we could explore.

yeah it has a risk of becoming spamming

but there is something, not really sure, like "new products" I always quickly just check them.

Maybe give people one shot a month to "boost" pin something to a launch board

I am not sure

One of the reasons I add the free membership is to make WIP available to a wider audience.

With regards to purchasing power parity, I wonder to what extent purchasing power of indie makers correlates with their geographic location.

On the one hand we have many people from affluent countries traveling to those with a lower cost of living, and other hand the people that grew up in a poorer country still compete in the same global market for the same customer dollars.

✅ You can now mute users. Might add projects/keywords later if muting users isn't enough

I see. That would indeed require a many other data sources as well. Not sure that's a direction I'm willing to go, but perhaps I can provide WIP as a data source so service offering these kind of services. (I think ChatGPT will do this at some point)

Ah i see. Hmm for WIP data related questions, I can think of: how much % tasks spent on coding vs marketing, which time of year am I most productive, any patterns of highs and lows of work, which product has the best streaks, what kind of tasks i do the most, are they busy work or work that moves the needle on revenue. "I have this problem, who else had solved it or working on it before." "I have an idea, how many other WIP indies had built it, launched it, made it profitable."

Ah right. Yeah that's what I'm getting at with this post. What questions would you ask this WIP AI?

Will crunch numbers and find patterns, like how much time spent marketing vs building, revenue ups and downs, who are my customers, how much they spend, how often, how many recurring, from which countries, which profile spends the most, which plan has most customers, was there a spike in traffic when i tried this marketing hack, did this feature bring more customers etc etc. Do foresee might haver to upload or sync other data like from stripe or analytics to be able to answer those questions

I see. That would indeed require a many other data sources as well. Not sure that's a direction I'm willing to go, but perhaps I can provide WIP as a data source so service offering these kind of services. (I think ChatGPT will do this at some point)

Ah i see. Hmm for WIP data related questions, I can think of: how much % tasks spent on coding vs marketing, which time of year am I most productive, any patterns of highs and lows of work, which product has the best streaks, what kind of tasks i do the most, are they busy work or work that moves the needle on revenue. "I have this problem, who else had solved it or working on it before." "I have an idea, how many other WIP indies had built it, launched it, made it profitable."