Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017
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Will look into that. It should be reactive, but maybe I broke it somehow :D

We actually have on WIP! – you can create a "meetup" with the event type of "hangout"

I should clarify this in the UI :D

I like the design and the emoji. A list of domains can be rather boring to look at, but you made it visually pleasing.

I'm not yet convinced of the value of these types of domains though. Yes, Apple is using the words "spatial computing" around their Vision Pro, but IMO it's complicated phrasing for what most people will just refer to as VR, AR, or maybe mixed reality.

I could be totally wrong though. It does sound quite similar to "mobile" which became a very popular term. Although I don't think mobile*.com domains ever took off? (there was a short time period where there were as lot of anticipation around the .mobile TLD but instead websites just became responsive and so people kept using .com)

Letting other people list their domains makes sense if you have the traffic.

Did you sell any domains yet or do you know any relevant ones that did sell? I think adding those would help a lot in conveying the value of these domains and that once they are gone, they are gone.

For that purpose, it might make sense to lower the prices a bit and increase them as you sell some. That has been my general strategy with speculative domain investments.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm sure you're right on the pricing. I put a super expensive price on some of them mainly as my sort code for defaults to listing the most expensive first and that was my lazy hack to 'show off' some of them more easily.

I didn't sell any yet. Totally take your point on the mobile / spatial thing and only time will tell if spatial domains do become a thing.

I do think there are some strong domains in there that will sell with a better price though regardless of the overall trajectory of 'spatial'. I plan to revise some of the existing prices over the next few days and make sure that most if not all, domains without a price at the moment get a 'buy it now' price too. (I have a Google Sheet setup where I can go and set all the prices really quickly and then sync back to the website and any marketplaces I'm listing on). I think a 'sold' section once I have a few will be good too as some kind of social proof.

On a similar note, I thought I'd pre-ordered your domains book but I can't find the receipt in my inbox so maybe not. I'll do an order now. I've become really interested in domains recently and have a couple of other ideas in the space so I'm sure it will be helpful.

And I appreciate the kind words on the design, I've been getting into Tailwind more and more and each site is getting a little bit better as I get used to it :)

Love the mock-up!

We do actually already have something similar on the top right, on desktop. It will show a list of everybody's who's on the hangout page. But as you've noted, there's usually nobody there 😄

It's a bit of a catch-22 problem, because I'm sure people would join, if there was somebody there. But nobody wants to be the first.

Question: if we did have a dedicated "Coworking" page, what would it look like in an ideal world?

Personally, I wouldn't want to broadcast a silent video stream of myself working, but the idea of having a virtual, shared space does seem interesting.

I'm thinking a list of avatars of who's in the session, a way to share your current "status" (task you're working on, etc), maybe a very simple, ephemeral chat, a stream of updates (completed todo's of people who are in the coworking session), an always-on lofi music stream, and the option to enable video/mic/audio for those who want.

What do you think? What would be the best possible version of this? What would be the MVP version of this?

I have no problem showing up daily and being the first one there. In fact, I'm there right now. If you create something like the mock-up I provided, I'm sure it will gradually grow over time with minimal effort on your part. Later on, you could invest more work into it. I've read the Whereby documentation, and they have a function to pull information about the number of users.

I think the mvp can just be:
1. Rename hangouts to coworking
2. Show an indicator of how many people are online on the left hand sidebar as shown in the mockup and see if it helps engagement

Just don’t display “0” and only show a number once at least 1 person enters the room to avoid the empty room looking awkward.

I like the rest of the stuff you mentioned too particularly the music + status sharing part (for that part maybe just add the clickable hashtag of the WIP project being worked on), just not sure it will get people in the room which seems like the first problem to solve - the indicator will serve as a helpful clue that someone is there and it feels like an invite to join almost, at least to me. Right now I never join because discoverability is bad, people won’t know I’m in there unless they click into meetups first. That’s where the indicator is useful

Then the extra features can be built once people are actually using the meetup/coworking room

I think the current problem with the hangouts is because we pop into an empty room without any indication of whether anyone will pop in. It also feels like a Zoom Call which is kind of awkward when you're the only person there with only your face showing up.

If the UI changes a bit like @thecatstickler's room, I think it's gonna get better.

So in my room, there's a feature where I can create events. Maybe that'd be pretty cool to have every once in a while to have scheduled coworking sessions where we know that at least other people will be there.

We actually have on WIP! – you can create a "meetup" with the event type of "hangout"

I should clarify this in the UI :D

Yes that's indeed a current limitation. Not sure of an intuitive way to support this where it knows which attached image corresponds to which todo

I imagine you can do one line of tasks followed by image, and any images will be attributed to the above task.

But that’s just a thought from my head.

Nice, yes the daily email is helpful for this.

Do you use the functionality where you can reply to the email and it processes it as completed todos?

Not many people use it, so it hasn't been extensively tested. If you ever run into any issues, please let me know!

I’ve used it once or twice, but I can’t remember how it went now.

What I know is I won’t be able to use the email if I want to add images to my done items though.

Yes that's indeed a current limitation. Not sure of an intuitive way to support this where it knows which attached image corresponds to which todo

I imagine you can do one line of tasks followed by image, and any images will be attributed to the above task.

But that’s just a thought from my head.