Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017
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I think many would be interested in joining a meetup of other makers, regardless of whether they are active in WIP.

But I agree, they won't randomly stumble across the meetup. I plan to address that soon, by sending email alerts to members (old and new) when there's a meetup happening near them.

My best guess is that you actually had multiple invites, but it wasn't reflected accurately in the emails due to a timing issue and the fact that we try not to send multiple, similar emails

I love this as an idea, but I'm not sure how well it will work as the community grows a bit larger. Also not sure it's worth the trade-off of added complexity around notification logic, etc.

Yup, it's a significant change to the system. And what about the other suggestion to create a big streaks ranking page plus move the most helpful box to the homepage?

Will go through the other suggestions this week!

When you organize a meetup, it will automatically be shown on the homepage to anyone nearby. So that should give it some visibility to the right people.

But whether there are enough active members to warrant organizing a meetup in the first place, is a fair question.

I can see how hiding inactive accounts would help, but it's not great because some inactive members might still want to join a meetup (if we'd somehow notify them), and a lot of (active) members travel so their location isn't always accurate.

I wonder if there's a better solution we can come up with? Maybe something where you can propose a meetup location, but without setting a hard date yet. Just to gauge interest.

Will give it some thought and happy to hear everybody's ideas.

That's fair. Instead of proposing a hard date and time, as well as a location, I just wanted to gauge interest. Especially, since I am not native to Paris and don't know the good spots to meet.

Just proposing the meetup and leaving the exact location or time up for discussion, would be great.

Depending on the overlap of Nomadlist users, there could be and optional automatic update sync?
Or the site/PWA doesn't just propose changing timezones, but also location?

I agree, new features shouldn't discriminate against inactive users. However, there are different states of inactivity. A lot of the profiles I checked, had socials connected. Telegram and Twitter. Most of them were deleted by now.
So there was no way to get in touch with them and I would assume they don't follow anything on, if they profile is drastically out of date for multiple years.
The direct message feature request could be an interesting part of the solution.

Agree, though the chances of somebody who hasn't logged in for more than 9 months to join a meetup out of the blue are probably nonexistent/close to 0... Maybe showing the user while saying they're inactive is a good middle ground.

I think many would be interested in joining a meetup of other makers, regardless of whether they are active in WIP.

But I agree, they won't randomly stumble across the meetup. I plan to address that soon, by sending email alerts to members (old and new) when there's a meetup happening near them.

Yes, it's a bit weirdly designed. Really need to fix that whole page.

Thanks for the heads up. Could it be from videos in people's todos? They should play muted as default, but I think there's a bug with some browsers where it somehow becomes unmuted. What browser are you on?

Hmm… that shouldn't be possible haha. Do you see an "Send invite" button? Or do you mean the Like and Skip buttons? These are indeed always available but don't immediately invite someone.

I got the '1 invite left' email, then invited 1, and then another 1 and then another 1, now 2 accepted. I checked /applications and it seems not possible anymore now.

My best guess is that you actually had multiple invites, but it wasn't reflected accurately in the emails due to a timing issue and the fact that we try not to send multiple, similar emails

  1. Go to your project page
  2. Click "Edit"
  3. Scroll down to "Multiple makers?" and click that
  4. Add other user by name (needs to have an account already)
  5. They will need to "accept" the project invitation via email

They cannot have an existing project with the same hashtag.

ahhhh. I missed it because i was just looking for an input and label.

Thanks Marc!

Yes, it's a bit weirdly designed. Really need to fix that whole page.