
Feedback on

Hey all, I just launched to showcase around 500 'spatial computing' domain names (.coms only).

All of the domains are still listed for sale on third party marketplaces too, but I hoped by bringing them together in one place it might prove more interesting to potential buyers as they can browse by category, see related domains etc.

I also plan to add the ability for other people to list their domains on the site too (every domain would have to be approved before going live) and also for buyers to be able to login and favourite / track domains they might be interested in.

I am also thinking of using AI to generate logos for each domain, if I can do that to a reasonable quality. I already have a few AI generated text description / use cases for some of the domains, but I feel like this could be automated, at least as a first pass, so I'm going to look at that too.

Finally to make it more interesting for potential buyers I'm thinking of bundling similar domain names into packages so they can pay one price and get the singular, plural and -ing versions, where available (I believe can set this up, but you have contact them to do this as their self serve platform only lets you list one domain at at a time with no bundling).

Would love any thoughts about the idea in general or the execution.

(The underlying tech is WordPress (as that's what I know) with all the default WordPress styling stripped out and running 100% Tailwind CSS instead, with the Salient template from TailwindUI as the base - - and other components from TailwindUI also. Using Simple Analytics to track visits and I think that's it).

I like the design and the emoji. A list of domains can be rather boring to look at, but you made it visually pleasing.

I'm not yet convinced of the value of these types of domains though. Yes, Apple is using the words "spatial computing" around their Vision Pro, but IMO it's complicated phrasing for what most people will just refer to as VR, AR, or maybe mixed reality.

I could be totally wrong though. It does sound quite similar to "mobile" which became a very popular term. Although I don't think mobile*.com domains ever took off? (there was a short time period where there were as lot of anticipation around the .mobile TLD but instead websites just became responsive and so people kept using .com)

Letting other people list their domains makes sense if you have the traffic.

Did you sell any domains yet or do you know any relevant ones that did sell? I think adding those would help a lot in conveying the value of these domains and that once they are gone, they are gone.

For that purpose, it might make sense to lower the prices a bit and increase them as you sell some. That has been my general strategy with speculative domain investments.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm sure you're right on the pricing. I put a super expensive price on some of them mainly as my sort code for defaults to listing the most expensive first and that was my lazy hack to 'show off' some of them more easily.

I didn't sell any yet. Totally take your point on the mobile / spatial thing and only time will tell if spatial domains do become a thing.

I do think there are some strong domains in there that will sell with a better price though regardless of the overall trajectory of 'spatial'. I plan to revise some of the existing prices over the next few days and make sure that most if not all, domains without a price at the moment get a 'buy it now' price too. (I have a Google Sheet setup where I can go and set all the prices really quickly and then sync back to the website and any marketplaces I'm listing on). I think a 'sold' section once I have a few will be good too as some kind of social proof.

On a similar note, I thought I'd pre-ordered your domains book but I can't find the receipt in my inbox so maybe not. I'll do an order now. I've become really interested in domains recently and have a couple of other ideas in the space so I'm sure it will be helpful.

And I appreciate the kind words on the design, I've been getting into Tailwind more and more and each site is getting a little bit better as I get used to it :)

+ Clean and usable design
- $100K is stupid expensive, for example, for That name isn't particularly memorable or unique and is 4 syllables + many chars. I'd pay like $5 for that one. Similar story with all other domain names on the site. How did you curate these and value them?

I ask because domains that are worth that kind of money are usually 2-4 letters long or have some other unique attribute to them that will drive a lot of traffic. Adding "spatial" really doesn't seem like it'll do it.

By all means try launching this anyway and see if anyone bites, I just very much question the pricing haha

Hey Ben, thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback on my first roast :)

And appreciate the kind words on the design. As I said to Marc I've been getting more and more into Tailwind and it's helped me a lot.

I am going to drop prices on most of the more expensive ones and add (hopefully reasonable) 'buy it now' prices on most of the others. I like Marc's suggestion of trying to sell a few, even at a lower price, to establish some kind of benchmark.

Most of the domains I didn't pay much for (mostly hand registered) so some of my absolute favourites I will probably hold and see how things play out over the next few years without much cash at stake, but I think there's enough interesting ones in there to find some buyers in the meantime hopefully with some adjusted pricing.

Thanks again!

@nickdavisio Similar to what the others have already suggested, personally I don't see the need for Spatial domains as well. So perhaps you may need a separate site to convince others who "Spatial" would be a good domain keyword.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!