Luke Hollis

Luke Hollis


Building virtual travel and simulations
Joined December 2022

I paid for LLC filing as S-Corp @ $300 / year until switching to TurboTax Business last year.

Yeah he was! Definitely helped push the project along and advocated for the work being important, I thought at least -- good luck with it! hope it works out

Gotcha. thanks for the insight!

I had to go through a lot rounds of emails too, yeah. They also were concerned I wasn't a rebranded version of a corporate scavenger hunt software by a similar name. It 4-5 months to finalize the deal. I had an Acct exec too -- and still talk to them this year.

That's funny 😂 Was the acct exec helpful? you know what, i later found out the 10k spending req is for getting acct exec.

Yeah he was! Definitely helped push the project along and advocated for the work being important, I thought at least -- good luck with it! hope it works out

Gotcha. thanks for the insight!

Hey yes I did this & got the credits from March 23 - March 24 100% covered (about 40k usd) and then March 24 - March 25 50% covered. The part about committing to spending is weird--but maybe I had already spent that in previous years.

not venture funded -- idk why i got the full amount

Thanks Luke. it does feel weird cuz i don't see anyone else mentioning spend requirement to get their lower tier credits ... How was your exp going through the process? I am currently had a few emails with a "xWF" representative, and seems like next step is to be connected to an "Account Executive"

I had to go through a lot rounds of emails too, yeah. They also were concerned I wasn't a rebranded version of a corporate scavenger hunt software by a similar name. It 4-5 months to finalize the deal. I had an Acct exec too -- and still talk to them this year.

That's funny 😂 Was the acct exec helpful? you know what, i later found out the 10k spending req is for getting acct exec.

Yeah he was! Definitely helped push the project along and advocated for the work being important, I thought at least -- good luck with it! hope it works out

Gotcha. thanks for the insight!

Yeah, kind of -- I rely on Zapier a bit, and then for other emails, I have a janky system of shell scripts and csv files. And try to be as simple with it as possible. My main django/postgres site keeps these straight.

I've had pretty good luck with Mixpanel to do what it sounds like you're trying to do. I'm still on their free tier. For sending emails, I switched to Postmark recently.

We do track all the activities on Mixpanel.
We use postmark for sending transactional emails.

Do you export the data from Mixpanel and import it to Postmark to send the emails?

Yeah, kind of -- I rely on Zapier a bit, and then for other emails, I have a janky system of shell scripts and csv files. And try to be as simple with it as possible. My main django/postgres site keeps these straight.

I think it's a great idea. I joined this indie game dev collective, and they have 3 month builds and at the end release together with newsletter to get more new people exposure:

The 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son: Perspectives, Ideology, and Wisdom
- These short letters are so good. Too much to say, but they're a fascinating insight into the mind of the energy tycoon and probably never meant to be public.

Gamecraft: Modern History of the Video Game Business - Mitch Lasky and Blake Robbins
- not a book, but helpful insight into the games/entertainment industry and struggles of small and large studios. Indie game devs & indiehackers are of the same blood
- content innovations build studios; distribution innovations build enterprises

For the Love of Physics - Walter Lewin

The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories - Ken Liu
- These short stories are great! Though a tear jerker.