Similar todos
bb app: fix bug when changing date+customer at the same time
fix bugs in date time formatting #nowleave
fixed bug in displaying time slots on user profile page
fix time seconds bug #sublimenotebook
🕐 fixed a schedule gap #djangocon
bb app: calendar bug, sometimes not showing properly
fix a datetime bug #homestretch
fix relative time calculation bug #httpscop
fix scheduled message bug #avocadojobs
Fixed a scheduling bug in #connectify
resolved calendar time bug #mealparty
Fix duplicating schedule bug #stenograph
@marckohlbrugge fix timing on BL schedule, so Rabia can sleep and we can monitize it ;D
bb: fix refresh demo bug
fix time left #menubar h/t @adriaanvanrossum
#ticktocktrack fix timer issue
fix dates bug #makerstories
fix bug with dates #avocadojobs
fixed date bug #sponsorgap