Similar todos
bb app: customer re-selects previously selected date, does not show in calendar
bb app: fix bug when changing date+customer at the same time
bb app: month overview: dont bounce on list end
fix user calendar heatmap bug where it didn’t always load properly #wip
bb app: designer month overview: fix m/y display on top
bb web: fix small i18n bug in month overview
resolved calendar time bug #mealparty
bb app: fix wrong "load more msgs" label in chat
bb web: click date in month overview->go to date in calendar
bb web: add full month view
fix bugs on booking calendar #bktm
bb: fix timeslot vs leave bug
fix bug with dates #avocadojobs
improve calendar design #eatmore
#flip fix date format bug
update calendar #fajarsiddiq
update calendar #fajarsiddiq
update calendar #fajarsiddiq
update calendar #fajarsiddiq