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figure out jpg artifacting messing up photogrammetry reconstructions from input footage but if you convert instead to pngs, photogrammetry aligns correctly #spaceshare
#filepond fix image transform plugin not processing images when file encode or server property is missing
#pintura fix bug in image processing logic
Switchin images to JEPG 2000 #curated
Verify new EXIF metadata parser works with all PNG images that previously didn't work with #prompthero
fix profile photo rotate broken #remoteworkers
properly fix image embeds #serverlesshandbook
#pintura fix problem where color filters would not be applied if image was not upscaled
Fix sideways photos. #buzzd
Make EXIF metadata extractor work with some PNG images that don't have tEXt chunks but iTXt chunks and therefore were not picking up the right A111 metadata #prompthero
#filepond fix issue with resize plugin not being able to deal with tiff images
fix #filepond image-transform toBlob compression parameter