Similar todos
#contracting Implement frontend voting
Implement frontend rank data collection and displaying #incomerankings
Add vote data posting to backend #incomerankings
build upvoting system #shouldimakethis
Continue work on database/frontend-backend communication and implement one vote per user #incomerankings
Implement the basic voting interface and code #incomerankings
#contracting Implement sorting of submissions by votes
#contracting Add voting to frontend (1 user, 1 vote, no voting for own submission)
voting api #archmaps
Implement upvote/downvote user list to stats tab #incomerankings
Fix issues with the server and implement method voting impact to update in real time #incomerankings
add user ranking
Begin work on the ranking function #incomerankings
Work on upvote backend #indielog
Show how many votes an applicant got (only visible to me as an admin) #wip
get vote counts rendered from db #saharadust
improve upvoting UX by using ajax #wip
voting buttons and scores #pravda
re-order resources dynamically after vote changes ranking #bitcoiners