Similar todos
Don't allow user to add websites that are already added by other users #simpleanalytics
do not allow adding new websites beyond trial without a paid account if no websites were added during trial #httpscop
Fix error in admin where users didn't show when not having any websites #simpleanalytics
Add ability to delete website #simpleanalytics
Allow API access for private websites with API key #simpleanalytics
add ability for user to set list as public or private #wantt
separate out 3 websites #deutschgym
add website url to users #expensivechat
replace public profile links with private, unguessable profile links (so users can choose whether to publicly share or not) #eatmore
Fix issue with online visits counter for private websites #simpleanalytics
only allow 2 websites to be added during trial (starter plan equivalent) #httpscop
fix #readbot for some specific websites
Delete public/anonymous option #askmakers
remove ga from personal website
Add public forms allowed from other sites
#meltediceberg Allow users to create new sites