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Moved from Twilio to Nexmo
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tested new integrations #tw
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Finish sign in and auth flows end-to-end testing. It works! I have a product! Now to integrate my LemonSqueezy store w/ webhooks so that people will pay me for it #simpleotp
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Finish testing github webhooks integration and it works #rmflags
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⚙️ create virtual number on nexmo and add it to our 5 developer apple IDs as backup number #berty
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test & prod endpoints for integration working #dataproducts
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Work on SMS integration #minkit
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succesfully deployed payment system. Tests are working great
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get test integration with working
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work on new integration #satellitor
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Test API calls now that they work 🤦‍♂️ #bookmate
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Test Zapier + Neo4j integration #clanlatamdb
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completed the design and development of frinx, next up is to code the Stripe charge and sending SMS
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Finish SMS integration #minkit
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client: get integration with esp working and sending test emails #rockkick
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Figure out how to integrate with Now #sitesauce
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Beta (Upcoming version): Test of payment integration was successfull #securedfyi
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Complete BX, Zeta, and WP list api integrations for new NAR environment #netlandish
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Work on Hubspot integration #nichewit
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working on auth0 integration for #instabotgpt
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