Similar todos
Added a Modal for Accommodation input, so you can enter the cost, plus eventual supported amount. This is so you can determine the true cost of the trip, and how much you paid. #venturecost
User Profiles now show the average cost of a trip (Accmmodation + Expenses) #venturecost
Freelance work, map markers with the price labeling for each accommodation for a better user experience #jomresplugins
Implement cost calculator #theportal
Updated the "Create New Trip"-form. Removed budget, and added Accommodation+cost instead #venturecost
Setup pricing pages #unmarkdocs
Calculate costs & margins #melies
Trips now show Accommodation and Expenses's average per month #venturecost
#contracting Calculate hours and cost for project for 2020/2021 so clients can make informed decisions about future budget
setup pricing option ideas
calculated expenses for hosting.
Integrate web app with lodging cost ranking API
#slackdiscord Send @levelsio rough estimate for costs
Work on expense display
Figure out pricing #sparkly
Figure out pricing model #routeshuffle
Worked on user allowances and possible pricing brackets 🤯
make a budget for a possible client #meratek