Similar todos
Github chart remixer: Added meta tags, meta img assets. Added footer and links to other tools -… #githubchartremixer #commit365
Made personal Github chart tool to generate my own commit charts with my own level settings, because I hate that a single high contribution day skews the shading algo and everything becomes pale green.. and loses info density -… #githubchartremixer #commit365
Having too much fun #githubchartremixer #commit365
Day 1419 - Github chart remixer -… #lifelog #githubchartremixer #commit365
Added download chart as image using dom-to-image -… #githubchartremixer #commit365
find color palette #codercestcool
rewrite the code for the colors so the table looks better on #nomads to prepare for tweet about it
Grabbed a quick colorpalette from:
Just need to update the tailwind config to use these colors
Toggle 🌒 dark and 🔆 sunny mode using AlpineJS and TailwindCSS… #writeoften
#blogging Write a blog post about colorful terminal output (…) (Totally @swizec's fault.)
Implemented support for various color palettes #progrs
Added security note tooltip because someone asked #githubchartremixer #commit365
create color palette for dev team #eveningstar
🤖 refactored my #djangonews copy-paste-app themes and styles to make them look like I didn't build them in 30 minutes
🎨 Updated homepage to use new color scheme. (yay, tailwindcss) #djangonews
played around with colors #shipr
deploy new colors and fonts app
I've been experimenting with Tailwind CSS V4 and initially thought translating colors from the tailwind.config.js to PostCSS would be a hassle, if you have a lot to convert.
So, I created this small tool to make it easier.…
Github contrib chart is now a simple function you can npm install!
Unlock all 1001 tailwind color shades instead of being limited to tailwind's 11:
c("gray", 650) // returns "#414b5a"
It's my first attempt at anything open source, live here…
I'm probably missing very obvious things, let me know if you try it out!