Similar todos
use better color palette #kubiko
Implemented support for various color palettes #progrs
updated color scheme
learn how to properly apply a color palette to a webapp #kubiko
add correct colors to new css config
small css tweaks for consistency of colours #wi
tested some css options for improved readability #wi
create color palette for dev team #eveningstar
website css improvements #goldenhour
pick color palette #collagram
Tiny CSS improvements #oneclicktest
header color and transition updates
#UA standardize CSS palette
Pushed a fix in Dev branch with new color schema (Tailwind CSS 2.0 don't support Orange and Teal out of the box anymore 😥 ) #mistral
try new color scheme #startupjobs
colour palette #fajarsiddiq
#notes Improve overall color scheme
design app in new brand colors, plus improve the UX (eg sidebar) #mindwave