Similar todos
email user about their usage
#schedulebot Notify user if they send some weird edge case query that I can't handle yet and log warning
see suspicious email signups #saharadust
email users #alertbnb
show errors for users facing issues with api keys #rabbitholes
dormant accounts warning email #scoredetect
Investigate #ipregistry API issue.
Implemented sending email alerts when reaching 80% and 100% API usage. #2markdown
respond to API inquiries #betalist
Send email to #noticeable users about upcoming changes.
API: some non-existing user validations #pixelchallenge
Improve error handling with #ipregistry API for unexpected cases
contact partners about api update #pasfoto
email myself too once a user gets their api key
Develop email to be sent out every (week|month) detailing users' activity and spending trends #budgetcool
api is now sending mails #names
Report issue with the api #positify
Investigate email blacklisting issue #ipregistry