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Realize I never implemented Stripe webhooks which is why the customer issuing a chargeback never got their account upgraded to pro #storyai
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email customer who seems to be hacking #photoai Stripe by upgrading and downgrading and canceling and reactivating on a daily base
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refund 107 payments #interiorai because Stripe webhook bug didn’t give them an account and no idea how to fix this
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fix Stripe fails to reactivate membership for old users without stripe_customer_id, instead create new customer object and charge/subscribe that #nomads
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Refunded customer without being asked because customer cancelled subscription immediately after being charged - assumption is they forgot to cancel. Rather refund than risk any chargeback #lifelog
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do customer support because person thinks I charged them when the robot auto refunded them for inactive account instead #nomads
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emailing with stripe support to see if they admit they were wrong and reenable the account #mapmelon
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check all canceled subscriptions from November 28, 2020 if they’re properly canceled because there was a problem with incompatible subscription code on the new Stripe API #nomads
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Ability to cancel stripe subscription #dailydo
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Fix customer getting subscribed to wrong plan in Stripe
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set up Stripe webhook receiver for charge.dispute.created -> cancel membership and end any Stripe subscriptions of user #nomads
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fix Stripe webhook weird edge case where user does not have active subscription but still pays off their unpaid invoice from previous payment #photoai
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make old 2018 subscriptions from previous Stripe lifetime accounts for free and end their subscriptions cause they paid enough I think #nomads
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catch more Stripe subscription hackers in their game and suspend their account and block their cards and fingerprints #photoai
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submit evidence for #nomads stripe fake dispute because someone forgot to cancel
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add reactivation logic to #photoai Stripe webhooks so people who cancel their account can come back
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refund pre-chargeback & write to customer telling them I've killed their subscription #propertyvendors
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refunded $840 errant subscription "past due" renewal where braintree apparently magically fixed the customers card. #ciderr
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fix user who was auto refunded because he Stripe Identity verified 4 times but he didn’t we just ran the webhook 4 times because we had the wrong API key set in Stripe because I leaked the API key on WIP and changed it #rebase
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switch #photoai Stripe Webhook to only add credits for INVOICE.PAID event not SUBSCRIPTION.UPDATE because user's account was hacked and upgraded to $2999/year plan with 25,000 credits that were topped up without any payment, thx @AndreyAzimov
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