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finish draft of seti i tomb & make it live… #mused
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3d capture at tomb of nefertari (qv66) & khaemwaset (qv44) valley of queens #mused……
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finish 3d capture some missing pieces, tomb of nefertari / VoQ tombs, & sculpture at luxor museum #mused
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field capture at tomb #mused
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hack together autoplay, text/no text, artifact focus mode & launch for Tomb of Nefertari… (trying to finish educational side on web and move to game) #mused
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do some field recording at tomb #mused
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setup first live event for guided tour on Zoom of major ancient Egyptian monuments - 10:00 AM Friday 10 May, Pacific North America tz… #mused
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test render tiny tomb model ramesses vi #mused
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field capture at ancient city this morning & tombs afternoon #mused
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publish on sketchfab w/research, render videos for social media for the week about tomb of seti i tour #mused
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visit pyramids
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fieldwork morning capture in some tombs #mused
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3D capture ram v/vi valley of the Kings & missing pieces other tombs #mused
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go to mummy museum #fajarsiddiq
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write script for live Zoom guided tour, featuring virtual tours of 8/10 top attractions in Egypt by Tripadvisor in 20 minutes #mused -- with an optional 50 minutes after for more monuments, history, mythology
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go see pyramids #life
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prototype moving from camp to tomb via photograph as portal [instead of descending passage] #mused
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3d capture @ valley of kings, reshoot ram i w/better photos & thutmose IV tomb for sphinx story #mused
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get ramesses i scan working w/new virtual tour system, artifact focus mode, wall item highlighting, dust/vfx, etc and finally send to friends & wip - in progress @… #mused
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launch first draft of sphinx free xplore & send to friends/wip if it's interesting #mused @…
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